This is just a very simple blog where I wanted to just do the thing that all blogs were intended to do…write. But the continual problem that I’ve found over the years is that writing for and on the internet is hard. Every simple solution to just write on the internet either comes with a learning curve or worst yet, a cost. The continual maintenance of keeping a site up-to-date takes away from doing the thing that you were supposed to in the first place, write.
Sure, I could pay for a hosting service and have them take care of it. Or I could sign up for SquareSpace or Ghost, set it and forget it. But then I’m locked into a platform that I can’t move away from. And I wouldn’t own anything. So here I am, at it again, but this time using the K.I.S.S. method and moving on with life. I might spruce this up a bit with some CSS, but honestly, I don’t want to waste time with trying to design something. I just want to write.
If you want to get in touch, then drop a line in the issues of this repo.